Paris is known as the City of Love which makes it a sought-out destination for couples around the world. Have you ever wondered why? What makes this city so much more romantic than Rome, London or Milan? Well, you are about to get a love education on the things you should do in Paris if you are disgustingly cute with someone. Let’s dive right on in!

Everyone will tell you to visit the Eiffel Tower and I agree its super romantic but doing it at night takes to the next level! Being there when the tower sparkles and having it more to yourself really sets the mood for a romantic experience.

The Louvre is a must see attraction BUT visiting with the person you love kicks it up a notch! It truly is such a romantic experience. Bonus you can head straight to the Tuileries Garden right next door.

See the theme here? Sunset is an amazing time in Paris and one that those in love should take advantage of! There are tons of companies that you can use to book a sunset cruise tour with. Not only will you see more of the city, but it will be during golden hour!

Located in Le Mur Des Je t’aime is a wall of love. Created in 2000, hundreds of people have come and written I love you in their own language and dialects! It’s such a cool piece of art all based around love!

One of the best ways to see and enjoy Paris is by walking. Rue des Barres is a quaint and charming street that passes small tea shops, whimsical fashion shops, and gargoyles on churches. You feel as if you have stepped back in time!

Paris is really an amazing city to visit for so many different reasons. One of the best is going and experiencing it with that one person you love! These few things are just a small fraction of the amazingly romantic things to do in Paris!
Have you ever visited Paris with someone you love? If so, drop a comment below and let me know what romantic things you did!

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