Let me start by saying Atlantis is not for everyone. Think Vegas in the middle of the Bahamas; so hot and humid but with some killer blue water. It’s the mega resort that thousands of people flock to every year. I went on a day trip as a part of a sibling cruise I was on and the stop was interesting.
Let’s jump into the review shall we…
I have to say I am not a big fan of Vegas, so the loud and obnoxious is not my cup of tea. Now while Atlantis does have that vibe, it at least has a beautiful beach and some amazing waterslides. Aquaventure is the resorts 141 waterpark with waterslides, river rapids and pools.
We started by checking in with our day pass and leaving our belongings in the locker. Remember, this is a water park so don’t overpack, but don’t forget sunscreen…unless you like the lobster look. If so, power to you!

My brothers wanted to hit the waterslides first and it was a smart idea. The lines rival those of Disneyland but the downside is there is no churro while in line, and you’re wet so there’s that too. I am not a huge fan of heights, and what is the first thing we do? Bloody bastards had me go down a 120-foot drop called the Power Tower. You sit on a tube and the workers smile and wave and down you go. I screamed I won’t even deny it because it was INSANE! I will say though it was a lot of fun once I realized I wasn’t going to die.
Pro tip ladies: Do yourself a favor and wear a one-piece bathing suits unless you want to flash the whole place, and I am not talking about your top…if you catch my drift. A poor woman went through that embarrassment and I doubt she has been the only one.
Next up I would hit any of the water slides with shorter lines, a fan favorite is The Abyss. You basically do a vertical drop…yeah vertical…through the dark and then land in an underground water filled cave. This ride is where my go pro flew off in the deep abyss… ahh pun fully intended. Anyways, moving on – my brother gallantly rescued it without getting hit by people coming down…sorry mom.

The great thing about Atlantis lazy rivers is they have one called The Current that is full of fast-moving waves. It’s quite exhilarating and a great switch up from the normal boring pace of a lazy river. Now here is my problem with spending too much time in these things…hygiene. I mean let’s be honest kids pee in here and their drunk parents so I just can’t spend too much time so be forewarned that water is warm for a reason eh?

A responsible buzz of course but you are in the Caribbean’s and it is 100% required that you have a drink. This trip was a part of a weeklong sibling cruise and my brothers were under 21 but over 18 so legal to drink here. Read the full story here.
Now while I promised my mother not to lose my brothers, I made no such promise about keeping them sober. (I am sure my mom is shaking her head at this point…sorry mom…again!)
So as any amazing older sister is obligated to do in this point, we hit the bar! I let the bartenders know this was their first legal drinks and man they delivered. I took great pleasure in watching the bartender have an extremely heavy hand which is not uncommon in the Caribbean’s…island life, ya know? Let’s just say we had some fun, I will include some videos for your viewing pleasure.
Now once you have a proper island drink its time to get some food. As with any resort the food here is overpriced but there really is no way around that so just come prepared. We had some great conch tacos, the seafood here is really good, I would highly recommend that!

Before the day is up, I would suggest walking along the beach with its white sands and gorgeous blue water. Its everything you see in the tv ad’s and bonus full of beach chairs. We ended our day working on our tans, well I worked on my tan my brothers aren’t huge fans of the sun. I know you’re probably thinking why take them to the beach then, and too that I say touché.

I would highly recommend a day trip to Atlantis if you find yourself in Nassau. However, it’s one of those places once you’ve gone once you hit your quota. I wouldn’t particularly recommend staying here or going each time you visit the island. A one-time trip though is great and can be very enjoyable.
Now be free and wander far and as always leave me a comment if you try any of my recommendations! I would love to hear your stories.

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