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Ten tips for travelling around Europe as a solo female

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the ultimate solo travel guide

How to get amazing photos while solo traveling

Best solo destinations

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You must be the judge of your own happiness
– Jane Austen


Always take a book with you, that way being alone won’t feel so uncomfortable. It’s a great way to feel like you are doing something but still enjoying the destination!

Solo travel is one of the most frightening things I have ever done BUT it’s also been one of the best things. I used to sit around waiting for other people to travel with me. Fear stopped me for years from solo travel. I feared being judged for being alone, being a target and just having an all-around miserable time. My first solo trip to Costa Rica changed my life and I have traveled to dozens of countries alone since! I promise you that solo travel will empower you like nothing else ever has!

Solo Travel

featured guides

ten tips for traveling with friends

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bestie bucketlist trips around the world

best destinations for female travelers

girlfriend getaways

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I knew when I met you an adventure was going to happen.
– Winnie the Pooh


When traveling with friends its crucial to set expectations before you leave. Is someone more budget conscious, wants to see sites, or have fancy meals? The more you talk before the trip the less likely you will have any fights or resentment on the trip! 

Who runs the world? GIRLS! I am a huge believer that female travel is some of the best type of travel you can do. Whether you want to go on a girlfriend getaway, mother daughter trip or a solo female trip – it’s a truly empowering experience. As women we are often discouraged from traveling alone or with other women. While safety should always be top of mine never let fear stop you from living your dreams or taking that trip!

Female Travel

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the ultimate luxury travel guide

The Truth about luxury travel 

the 5 c's of luxury travel

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Luxury does not mean spending endless amounts of money. Its about experiencing a unique destination by fully immersing yourself. Embrace the culture for all its worth and have a once in a lifetime experience that’s true luxury.

Luxury travel does not equate to expensive travel. Let that sink in for a moment. Most people believe to have a luxurious experience they must drop cash like a Kardashian and that is simply untrue. A luxury trip can mean a lot of different things, to me it’s having those once in a lifetime experiences. Staying in a castle, spending the night on a houseboat, diving off the coast. A true “luxury” experience is one that has good service, a unique twist and one that is hard to replicate. Why sometimes that can be more money it doesn’t always have to be that way! 

Luxury Travel

unique destinations around the world

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Travel often 
Your money will return 
Your time won't
- Unknown

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Travel guide for newbies

How to afford traveling around the world

affordable destinations

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Travel is never a matter of money but of Courage
- Unknown


Plan out your budget in advance, nothing is worst then winging your finances on a trip. Set aside money for your must do activities and save where you can. 

Budget travel can have very different meaning levels to a lot of different people. To some that’s hostels, bus passes and cheap meals. Others it means only splurging on limited activities to spend money in other areas. Whatever your meaning is the goal is to get everyone to a point where they can travel. When we discuss travel we can’t ignore the inherit privilege that goes with it. Having an extra funds to travel is truly a privilege whether you are on a limited budget or a limitless one. 

Budget Travel

Build travel into your budget

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Hey I'm Melissa

I was a girl with a dream to see the world but I lacked the confidence to get out there and just do it. 30+ countires later I am so thankful I took the leap of faith and pursed my dreams. If that sounds like you this blog is the perfect place to gain the CONFIDENCE to see this big world and I'll be right here cheering you on!

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