If you’re not sure where to start with your London trip, here are my top 10 things to do in London during your next visit! At the bottom of this post you can find a full google map to help you not get lost while you wander!

While in London you have to go and experience high tea. It’s a crime if you don’t…that may not be fact checkable, but you see my point. There are so many places to choose from but for a truly luxury experience I would recommend the Ritz.

Much like the tea you have to go and wave at the Queen. Time your visit right and some days you can visit inside. Plus, outside of the Palace is a great photo op if you get there early. #doitforthegram

Yes, it’s extremely touristy but you are a tourist, right? If you’re nodding your head like well duh, then you need to make sure you go and see the iconic clock. It has been under restoration but it’s still amazing in person!

Right outside of Buckingham Palace is St. James Park. On a good day you can see the London Eye. It’s a great place to sit and people watch or read a book. I have been here many times and always seem to find something new to enjoy!

You know I am a history person, and I will always recommend a cool historical site. Borough Market is not only London’s largest market but the oldest! It is home to tons of food and drinks. It can be crowded so if you can visit a weekday afternoon you are less likely to hit crowds.

You should go and visit an authentic English Pub for a pint. One of the most famous is Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese which has been around since 1538. I do travel solo so I usually will limit myself to one pint, but the atmosphere can be great and lively so don’t miss out even when alone!

Nerd alert warning…just kidding… kind of. Tower of London in my opinion is a must see for not only its impressive structure but age. It was constructed in 1070 and has stood for almost 1,000 years! If you enjoy a bit of history this is a great one for you!

I admit I can be a sucker for a good iconic Instagram photo. Now here me out while some spots are overrated and trendy, I have found some really amazing spots too! Peggy Porschen Belgravia was made famous for its adorable pink store front and amazing cakes. It’s totally worth a stop and a quick picture but make sure to get a cake too!

Right near Tower of London is the London Bridge which is another iconic landmark. If you have time the Coppa Club has perfect views of the London Bridge and pretty decent drinks.

I saved the best for last, the Harry Potter Studio Tour. While technically it is outside of London it is a MUST DO. Drink some butter beer and spend the day wishing you had received your Hogwarts letter.

If you liked this list of 10 things to do in London, check out top 10 things to do as a couple in Europe!

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