Travelling is one of the best things you can do and if you can do it with the person you love it’s an all-around better experience. There is a but to that statement, even though it’s a dream, it can come with some hiccups. Different travel styles, budgets, etc. can come up and derail an amazing trip! These are the 10 things no one tells you about traveling as a couple and how to not let them ruin your time!

Yeah, that’s a thing and I mean a BIG thing! They say money is the most common fight in relationships it can also cause issues while travelling. I am a traveler who can spend $600 a night on a hotel and that is not always the case with the person I am with. Talk about your budget and standard AHEAD of time to avoid issues once there. If you like to splurge on expensive dinners and they don’t you need to know that so you BOTH can have an equally good time.

I am type A through and through which means I love a well-organized trip. When traveling as a couple your partner may like a more go with the flow approach. That easily can become a BIG fight as one feels they are doing all the work and the other feels dominated or controlled. Compromise is huge here! If you are the planner maybe only plan a few main activities and then just take it as it comes the rest of the day.

Just like when you are at home, you don’t spend every second with that person and the same applies in travel. The suffocation can be real y’all! This is especially true when you are on a longer trip or have different interest. You may want to spend all day in the Louvre and your partner may not. That’s totally okay! Letting each other have time apart to do what you each want will only make the time together that much more special!

Sorry to burst your bubble here but you can’t do everything the first time you visit a new destination. You are going to have to pick a handful of things to do so you can each see what you like. Trying to jam pack it all in is only going to lead to frustration and a fight. Been there done that…

When you travel as a couple you aren’t alone which means you can’t have one person picking everything. It can RUIN a trip I repeat it can RUIN your trip. Your partner may say they don’t mind trying something to make you happy but that can lead to some major resentment or disinterest while exploring. You each should get to pick three things you want to do and then make sure you give equal time to each. Heck, I have done some things when travelling as a couple that I have zero interest but it’s fair because he did the same for me. Comprising is a virtue people!

I am 100% guilty of letting the “perfect photo” or trying to “get the perfect shot” ruin a trip. I love to create content but that does not mean my partner does. Be respectful and don’t turn your man into your assistant photographer on the trip. If you need the content or just want the photos, ask for allotted time. Say “hey can I get one hour a day to get some photos” and stick to it! It can make the trip so much better if they don’t feel monopolized by “doing it for the gram”. While I advocate for having photo memories of the two of you don’t push it too far. If you really need a whole photoshoot then refer to # 3 and opt for that alone time, it’s a perfect way to get your photos and keep the peace.

Things are going to go wrong or not be perfect it’s a fact of life. What’s important is not hyper focusing on the small details. You most likely won’t even remember when you get home so don’t let it ruin your trip by stressing so hard!

You probably have been told that if you fight on a trip you’re doomed as a couple. That is seriously such hogwash. You will fight and argue just like you do at home. The difference is don’t let it be an end all be all fight. Have your moment, respect each other, laugh it off and move on! Travelling is super stressful, and it can put a strain on your relationship. Accept that and arm yourself with some patience it will go a long way!

Just like when you’re home you play to each other’s strengths, right? Same in travelling you can accomplish so much more as a couple opposed to solo travel. Someone can wait in line while someone buys the tickets. One of you may be a better haggler, let them negotiate cab fares and market finds. Use the advantages that each of you have just like at home and you will dominate couple travel!

There is seriously nothing more romantic or a bigger relationship builder than travel. Being in a foreign country and having to navigate cultural differences, or just plain out navigating the city. These are things that make you really appreciate one another. You are building once in a lifetime memories together and it’s such a beautiful thing.
While it can be stressful, and you may want to scream at your partner, traveling as a couple is really the best! Seeing a new city with the person you love, there’s nothing like it! Don’t let the fear of fights keep you from it, just be aware of the things that can happen when traveling as a couple, and you will be better equipped to deal with them.

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