Ireland is such an amazing country, the people are friendly, and the scenery is unreal. It’s one of the best destinations for solo females to travel to. When I took my first solo trip, I was so nervous! I grew up with a cop/military southern dad, so he basically told me everyone was out to get me. He literally told me he was not Liam Neeson and that Taken was accurate up until she was saved. I still laugh that he thought that was a comforting pep talk before I left to travel on my own.
The point I was getting to, some people will think you’re crazy but don’t let it stop you. Traveling solo does have risk but so does everything in life. With these tips you will be able to navigate the intimidating world of solo travel.

This may sound like common sense but so many people don’t do this! When you are traveling alone, you want to avoid getting lost as much as possible. When in Ireland you may want to go and drive through the countryside but if you don’t know where your headed, that can lead to you be stranded. Study Google or Apple maps before you go and get familiar with the Irish terrain.

Again, Ireland is all about the scenery which means you will be spending a lot of time outside of the cities. Wi-Fi will be nonexistent and your cellphone provider may offer international, but it could be weak service. Budget in advance for this and trust me you will thank me later.
Check out SkyRoam for all of your Wi-Fi needs!

Ireland is known for their pubs and the rowdy parties. That can be fun but when you are alone it’s your responsibility to be even more cautious. Don’t over drink to the point where you aren’t fully in control of your actions.

Back to the Ireland can be a party, don’t put yourself in an avoidable bad situation. Ireland is a safe destination, but woman have reported being harassed by drunken men. Now that can be a problem anywhere but avoid bar areas alone and late at night. Airing on the side of caution is always the way to go.

I know you are an independent woman traveling alone but sharing your travel plans is just smart. Letting people know where you should be is so important. My dad and me have code words… I know he’s very extra. He will call every couple of days and ask me a question that I must answer a certain way to say, “yes I am okay or no you need to be Liam Neeson for the day.”

I believe driving through Ireland is one of the best ways to see the country BUT you need to be smart about it. When I drove through there are MANY parts where you are completely alone and won’t see any other people. Now imagine that at night…not comforting. It could easily happen that you could get lost, break down, run off the road. Night driving heightens some of these things so avoid it if you can.

This tip is really for any country you travel through but acting confident deters so much. Men hoot and holler but if you act unaffected by it or like you belong, they go away. Don’t be afraid to say no, I see so many solo travelers be afraid to come off rude. If someone is bothering you there is nothing wrong with saying stop or no.

I did a Game of Thrones tour, and it was life changing! While I normally don’t care for big groups this tour was so fantastic. It also is a great way to meet other travelers! I met a few wonderful people who I hung out with the whole tour and later had dinner with. It really helped break up my “alone” travel time.

I have to say, Ireland has some cute and luxury bed and breakfasts. These were great when I was traveling solo. The owners were always so nice and would have meals with me. It’s another great way to immerse int eh culture, community and meet people.

The most important part of solo travel is to have fun! Ireland is an amazing destination I could visit over and over. Make friends, have fun, explore but always be safe. Just practice normal common sense and you will be fine I promise!

If you want more information on safety in Ireland visit here. The website is Travel Safe Abroad and its a great resource for rankings on safety for every country!

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